Hello, my name is DeAnni, other names are Oluwatisetemi, Ajoke etc. My friends call me DD. I’m from Nigeria. I was born 2013 on a Monday. My birthday is on the 17th of June.  

My favourite colour is red because red symbolizes love and I love my family. My favourite food is jollof/fried rice with plantain and salad/coleslaw with a big roasted chicken.

My favourite letter is letter X and my lucky number is 6 . The name of my school is Coastland Schools Montessori in Lagos-Nigeria .

My best friend is Banjo Oyinoluwa. I love to write stories lest I forget, I have a lovely younger sister; Aimee [pronounced as ey-mee] we have three dogs, they are ; Gendy, Scoopy and Kita.